Welcome to RE!

As part of the Humanities Faculty, RE, or Religious Education, is one of the  academy's most popular and engaging subjects. Watch our welcome video which explains how we do things in our department. 

Meet the RE staff

Miss Brightwell

I'm Miss Brightwell and am now in 7th year at CAM! Since starting here, I have loved it more and more every year. My main subjects are RE at Key Stage 3 and Ethics and Philosophy at GCSE level. My favourite thing about teaching RE is hearing students express their opinions and share their beliefs and culture with the groups.  

Mr Townsend

I have been at CAM since 2012. I have taught every subject possible over the years, but alongside GCSE Sociology I have made RE my main subject. I have been head of RE since 2017 and deputy Director of Learning Zone since 2019. My favourite part of RE is understanding how and why people hold their beliefs. What impact this has, on them and us, and examining the arguments and debates around faith. 

Up for a challenge? 

RE explores a whole range of religious and non-religious beliefs, and why certain routines and rituals are really important to some people. 

Have a go at this activity. The second page gives you all the instructions you need,  and there are different links you can use to find any information you might need. 

We love giving students the chance to be creative in RE and reflect on religious beliefs and issues in different ways. Maybe you will create something brilliant for us one day- you never know, your work might feature in our Academy Life magazine!

RE is all around us every day. If you watch or read the news you will usually see at least one item linked to something we study in Year 7 and 8, or at GCSE. 

If you're up for the challenge, you could get the chance to lead a group or even a lesson in RE; whether it be leading a debate, explaining your own beliefs and opinions to class mates, or helping others out with something you're an expert on! We encourage our students to get involved.

We often invite guest speakers into the academy to talk to you about different beliefs and cultures. It's one of the best ways to learn and it means you can ask all the questions you are curious about. 

What is the best way to understand why places of worship are important to so many people?  The answer is visit one! Year 8 loved sketching their favourite stained glass windows at Manchester Cathedral and Year 10 got to see what really happens at the local church to help them with their GCSE exam. 

If you enjoy RE so much that you take it at GCSE (which we know you will!),  you could be invited to a conference where you can debate your opinions with schools from all across Manchester.