
High challenge, high reward

We strive to continually challenge students to be a better version of themselves than yesterday; working out of their comfort zone with an element of risk that persistently stretches and challenges the mind too.  


Do what matters most…

We will have a complete and clear focus of the journey that you are on and the importance of this journey in your achievements.

Be yourself, always...

We will help you feel comfortable in your environment in order to express yourself to achieve your maximum potential.

Show you care...

You will have a clear vision of the future you want and have a clear understanding of how you can get there.  

Succeed together...

Students and staff will consistently work collaboratively with you, will test your abilities and will give you necessary skills to set you up for success in the real world.

Our presentation guidelines

WAGELL - what a good example looks like

We use WAGELLs in our book.  Its a model answer which is used by you when you look at other similar questions as a way of working your way through a question.

Twitter - reflective tool to give feedback to teacher and student

At the end of each unit students complete a twitter; a reflective tool that allows them to reflect on their learning, and continue dialogue between staff and student about their difficulties and challenges within the unit.

Journey - route map 

Every term we provide students with a weekly breakdown of all topics covered in that term.  In maths we feel it's important to give students the opportunity to understand their learning  journey.  

Challenge question

Can you calculate the speed of our teacher in km/h?


Maths project

Design your perfect bedroom.

Maths Project
Maths Project

Useful websites to support your maths learning