Hello and welcome to English!
Hello and welcome to English!
On this page you can find out some information about the English department - who our teachers are, what we study and what our lessons look like.
On this page you can find out some information about the English department - who our teachers are, what we study and what our lessons look like.
Mr Moosa
Mr Moosa
This shows your learning journey over KS3 - from when you join us in Year 7 to when you start your GCSEs in Year 10. You will see we study a wide range of authors and text types - there is something there for everyone to enjoy.
This shows your learning journey over KS3 - from when you join us in Year 7 to when you start your GCSEs in Year 10. You will see we study a wide range of authors and text types - there is something there for everyone to enjoy.
We all love English and want you to as well.
We all love English and want you to as well.

Miss O'Connor reads from her favourite childhood book: Alice in Wonderland.
Miss O'Connor reads from her favourite childhood book: Alice in Wonderland.
In Year 7, we read this fantastic novel by Onjali Q. Rauf
This is a Year 7's work on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. We look for new ways to help you learn ambitious vocabulary.
We study texts from all over the world and from different periods in history
In Year 7, we read one of Shakespeare's greatest plays - The Tempest
What does an English classroom at our academy look like?
What does an English classroom at our academy look like?
What does an English classroom at our academy feel like?
What does an English classroom at our academy feel like?